Sunday, May 29, 2011

My journey

I reached the KK city late at night. I remembered I stayed in Tanjung Aru for days. I would never forget my uncle who sincere enough to spend me to watch hindustani movie.The next  two days I was on  the plane towards Peninsula and stopped in KL capital of Malaysia. Big city and really amazed me.The next day I was on my way to Kedah,to  my new school Sultanah Asma.I was totally stranger here.BUT  for better I stayed.There my life begun.

tales, but true

I was still small, but I can differentiate poor and rich by looking at my family background. I told my parents one day I would like to change the quality of life for better. Its okay to stay in the country side, BUT I have to have better life.For that sake, I was really struggle to change for the better. In 1974 during the big flood, I was offered by the government to continue my study,far to Peninsula. What I wanted to share the day I was going to.I used banana trunk to cross the big flood,so I could go to the airport and on the way I was on the lorry as my transport, again stopped for the land erosion to be cleared. I was late.I was very sad indeed. 

10 years towards future

Many students laughed when I  mentioned about " what you do today representing what you might become in  the future" I told them to prepare well now in order to get better position in the future. I used to tell them  my teaching is not concerning just for today;s but for 10 years to come.Its takes time to change, so by giving them ample time to make up or set up what to do next students have the ability to think what best for own good.

allow and aware
you are moving toward it.May success all the way!

Friday, May 20, 2011

The date I remembered 27 Mac and 27 April 2011

I was trusted to handle a big responsibilities in my career. I appreciated the post and willing to let it go because I am still unable to perform well after my surgery last March 2011. I thanked the ministry for giving me such trust to hold the post as a principal at SMK Ulu Sapi, Sandakan. I hope the person who replace me will perform well and full of responsibilities.

I would like to thank my principal  for being so responsible n taking care of her staff. I hope she will achieve her happiness for being so helpful and cheerful around us.

Monday, May 16, 2011

'ulam' good for you

"Ulam" are plants that can be eaten raw, as a form of local salad. The "Ulam" is traditionally a Malay dish, but has become very popular to Malaysians, and is also popular among tourists who have acquired the taste for the wonders of this delight. Today "Ulam" is available at most major hotels in the country as a favourite in buffet lunch or dinner. 

Basically Malaysian "Ulams" are very high preferred. Our  kampong folks healthy because of nutritions , vitamins and minerals obtained from eating "Ulam " for example onions, cucumber, spear mint and pennywort .

Spring Onion (Bawang Merah)

The picture shows the flower of spring onions another plant to grow at home. They are cultivated from seeds or from the onion bulbs. With this plant, the bulb, leaves and even the flowers can be eaten raw as an "Ulam".

The second aspect is that "Ulam" is usually taken raw or lightly steamed. This makes it vitamin and mineral content more natural and unaltered by the heat of cooking, very much like the western idea of taking salad.

Cosmos (Ulam Raja)
The "Ulam Raja"Ulam" that is usually taken raw. "Ulam Raja" shoots is  translated means the King's salad. The scientific name for the plant is Cosmos caudatus. There are many types of "Ulam Raja". The two main types that are popular have pink or white flowers. A more common hybrid of "Ulam Raja" are the yellow flowered varieties or Cosmos sulphureus. The shoots of these yellow varieties too can be eaten as "Ulam". However experts in "Ulam" claims that Cosmos caudatus or "Ulam Raja asli" also called "Ulam Raja tulin" taste better than the hybrids of Cosmos sulphureus which the local calls "Ulam Raja kuning". The picture shows two varieties Cosmos sulphureus or "Ulam Raja kuning". The photograph on the left shows the flower of the "Ulam Raja tulin", and below the edible young shoots that are used for "Ulam" and usually taken with "sambal belacan" a dip made from a mixture of pounded chilli, raw onions, shrimp paste (belacan) and lime juice.


Thirdly, "Ulam" is usually a back yard crop which means it is not farm based,  However because of the growing popularity the common Ulams are now begining to be farmed. It is best to just grow your own in pots or small plots of land around your house. ""Ulams" are naturally local wild plants.

Cucumber (Timun)
The cucumber is a farm vegetable fruit that can be cooked or taken raw as "Ulam". The picture shows a cucumber fruit and some flowers. This is a climbing plant and can be grown along fences. It can be planted from seeds.

Greens such as most leafly "Ulams" and cucumber are generally considered cooling for the body. In Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia, "Ulam" is taken with some form of spices or other such as Sambal belacan, thus becomes a check and balance.

Most important is the variety of Ulam taken by our  kampong folks provides them with minute traces of nutritional elements and minerals thus is believed to provide them balance healthy diet as well as extend their life span. Also their daily work is not sitting in the office but farming, fishing, cooking and keeping house a fair share of exercise and sweat.


Finally, do not over do . In short a little is good. Observation of our kampong folks shows that they normally take a large variety (many types) of "Ulams" and in small amounts and do not over eat


Torch Ginger Flower (Bunga Kantan)

There are various species and varieties of Bunga Kantan. The most common type is the Pink variety. The flowers of this ginger plant can be eaten raw or cook. It is popular and frequently used in curry recipes. It forms an important ingredient in the famous "Penang Assam Laksa" and "Kerabu Kedah".

The picture  (left) shows the buds of two different varieties of Bunga Kantan. Use the buds for cooking and salad (Ulam).

What students can do to make their teachers happy?

1. willing to study smart to make good grade.

2. willing to accept advise and practise it.

3. willing to dedicate and help their parents - no disciplinary problems

4. willing to avoid romance -disturbing studies

5. willing to struggle to enroll in college and get better grades

6. happy to study, accept good discipline, study to success n help others to success.

What is teacher's day to you?

I was a student same as you are. I had nothing to offer or not even expensive present to all my beloved teachers. But still I really appreciated all the good deeds and dedication until I achieved my dream to become human beings and useful to others. All I could say "Thank You' to all my primary, secondary, college and university teachers all over Sabah, West Malaysia and USA. I hope I can do my best to educate my students.Long life dearest teachers and may your dedication make your life more cheerful and happy always.HAPPY TEACHER"S  everyday.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Why some people not successful in life?

Late while things should be early or on time
make many excuses when ask to do the work
No initiative to improve although he/she has time to do so
ask someone to do things rather than trying on her/his own

put blame on others if not selected
make slow movement and not energetic
wait rather than move forward
ask someone to decide

Why feel so angry when you're left behind?
Think about it
Who's going to wait for someone like you?
I think you., yourself is not patience enough
to wait for non ambitious person.
What do think?

What is mother's day?

I wake up early in the morning
I decided to make my mom happy
I help her to clean up some house chores
washing dishes,sweeping the floor,make the kitchen shine
for sure cleanliness is my first target before my mom wakes up
I have nothing more precious than to make her feel good
I know I have nothing to give her more meaningful
than to appreciate her dedication to the family

Do you think present
the most precious to her?
Do you think your expensive gift make your mom happy?
What about change to something new
make her something or cook for her during mother's day
what is her reaction?

Listen to her advise
talk to her
don't make ker upset
what more a mom need
when her kids love her
Think about it

happy mother's day will always be remembered not only today ,but everyday.