Monday, July 25, 2011

Be professional

I don't know why people take advise as a personal matters. For me when come to discuss about work there is no such thing as take it personally. I like to be more open and discuss things in a cool manner and no heart feeling. During discussion it's okay to say your own opinion, but it doesn't mean your ideas acceptable by the group. Whatever it is open up and no heart feeling so you're at the right track. What happen during discussion the person burst out loud and cry in front of  you. For sure I can't say much about it and unable to tackle such environment. All I have to do is wait until the person calm enough to say his opinion. I don't really understand why this situation exist among professional people. I think I have to learn more about human feeling so I can understand them more when the same scene happen.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Think before do

A story on TV make me really think,why people think based on what they can see or hear. The story is about how a girl reported her being raped, but the court not really on her side. The story make the rapist free without fair evaluation. For sure there are more rational people around. Think about it before you make any conclusion because your thinking might not true or you need second opinion for sure to make final decision. Anyway the process is clear think before do and don't make conclusion before sure enough about it.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Jika kamu di beri kebebasan
kamu akan berjaya dalam hidup
jika rambut kamu punk di tegur ikut aturan 
kamu akan siksa di masa depan kamu
Adakah berpakaian kemas itu 
menjadikan hidup kamu miskin di masa depan
teguran guru itu
menjadikan kamu tidak berguna di masa hadapan
Adakah kamu
tidak mahu berubah menyebabkan
kamu lari dari disiplin diri
Adakah kamu senang
jika hidup kamu dibiarkan tidak sempurna
Adakah kamu mahu bina hidup sendiri tanpa
didikan yang betul dari guru kamu
fikirlah jika di tegur untuk kebaikan
kerana hanya guru yang prihatin
dapat membina diri kamu
menjadi insan yang kreatif dan berguna
pada diri dan orang lain
 teguran itu
agar kamu dapat bina diri yang benar benar manusia