Friday, September 23, 2011


What are you searching for? Good grades? APPRECIATION? AMBITION?FUTURE? GOOD JOBS? Whatever it is all depending on you, yourself as the main planner and should know you own intention to make theory into reality. GOOD ANSWER GOOD GRADES GOOD FEELING GOOD ENDING. GOOD LUCK MAY MD AKID AND LYANA GOT THEIR WISH COME TRUE.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Teachers expectation

Many teachers expected their students pass with flying colours. But do all those students perform as expected. For sure NO. Some of them can achieved really remarkable grades. Some of them just in the middle and non perform at all. Some of them drop out and so on. Not all of them coming from the same roots. They have different background and you might facing them in one class and you as teachers should  learn more, so you do not really stern in teaching those unbelievable behaviours. For sure you know what I mean because we  have been there beforehand. As professional teachers, we should prepare ourselves on how to tackle these different and unique behaviours.  Make sure you prepare well because you might facing the unexpected one. But whatever it is dearest students you are still very young and need to grow well. Give your teachers a chance to guide you and make you someone you yourself will be proud of. Not all of you received university certificate, but you are needed to be the best to serve the society and yourself. Cooperate well and we will build the best nation ever.

What should you serve during Aidil Fitr celebration?

I visited my friends during Aidil Fitr celebration. Nearly everyone forgot about how obedience they are during a month of Ramadhan fasting from morning till night time. The discipline followed without ease, but what happened during 1st  Syawal . Unbelievable! The food oily, sweet and salty all combined together and forgot about how the stomach of us struggle to carry the bulge of mixed food. Try hard to digest. We might sick or collapse because we forgot the tummy has rest for a month. Think about it how could you harm you own tummy just because you have been fasting for a month. Is it a kind of revenge? Think about how to make your body rest in peace although you can eat whatever you like. Try to make it calm by eating fruits or non oily food for example. Make few changes so you will enjoy your eating habit a bit more than before. Your stomach might get use with food and slowly you can manage to make eating habit more healthier than before.What about it? Think before do. What about serve your friends fruits, salads or healthy cereals rather than sweet cookies or cakes. Whatever it is think for the best.