Monday, November 19, 2012

I'm thankful

I'm alive
I've plenty of healthy food to eat
I can make my own choice
I'm free to decide and give my opinion
I've friends and families to share with
Beautiful environment
clean and tidy
although some disturbance from some people
but I'm still thankful
THANKFUL for everything I've been given
Oh God I'm so thankful

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Why tend to get busy with other people business?

 I never involve with anyone business except

to make others feel good and happy about oneself
But what  make people around me
So unhappy about the way I run my own life
Why? Oh Allah give me space to avoid
all the sins arounds me I would not going to commit
Make me the maximum patience to control my act,my voice
to say or behave beyond my your control
I want to live peacefully
Out of anger and out of hatred
Leave all those around me to make ways and feel happy the way I am
Make their life full of joy out of sorrow
leave me out of their task
make them work and leave others in peace
think about yourself and don't be so busy with other people business
enjoy and be happy

do realize

prepare forward
I forgot my email and my password
what do you think  the sign shows?
forgetful, unable to recall part of the sign of getting old
why not everybody might  facing the same problem
not now later on for sure
accept the facts and try to face the reality
whatever you do today might affect your next steps
prepare well and face the future
with joy and full of patience
then always remember
you have you own duty
to fulfill and to obey
make use of all capacities you can achieve
to help others as caliph
to make you the real .insan.'
out of selfish and self-centered person

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Why do you have to celebrate or at least remember your birthday?

Our age added yearly. Weather you want it happen or not you still have to face it. So why not accept it as it is. You only set your goal and try to reach it. Happiness will not happened every moment you want it. Make the most memorable as part of the highest level of happiness. If by the next year you feel sad then just remember the previous one that make you happy. 
Celebrating birthday doesn't mean eat and eat all the way. Wishing someone also part of it. Make each birthday worthwhile to remember and decide well in every decision you make. Don't regret it if you happen to make slight mistake because whatever it is try to fix it to minimize the unwanted incidents here and there. Smile a lot the added age will not affect you at all. Try to avoid argument in any way except needed. Make room to listen to others. One day you realise your attention make someone feel love and love you back. The more you celebrate your birthday the more mature you are in decision making.
Relax and make room for yourself. You may minimize stress and feel good about everyone around you. The most important be healthy, you have more time to think and decide later on what should you do next.