Saturday, August 20, 2016

how difficult sharing is

When someone mention about sharing.Everyone might say its easy,but for sure its not.Lets see when someone approach you to ask for the things you love most.the small one,your best shirt and the most expensive one.Would you dare to say its okay or you might say how dare you.Not only that,let say someone need to eat,would you please pay for me.How red your face is,who is this person?Am I your cashier?or am I your banker? whatever,whatever it is. You are unable to handle such tiny,but burst your brain to think.Dearest,this is life some people get a 'test' in life in which tested on things he/she favor most.Why? if you fail to fulfill the test,so you fail in the test, but if you manage to discover the need for the test,you might get to pass the test in life..What more do you want when you are given satisfaction in life.Happy,healthy,wealthy.Be thankful and you are the most satisfied person.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016


sure.No one perfect.As human being,I am part of those people who unable to express whats inside.Not because unable to,but more towards to take care of others feeling.Why should I get out of it? I don't know really.Everyone around me look like take advantage from my silence gesture. I don't understand it myself,but should I say it or just keep it a secret. Even if I am not saying it,but the feel is fully exposed to the Almighty.What can I do about it.Just accept it and keep it.Oh Allah forgive me and let me enjoy my life.Let me get some air really fresh air not bloat in any carbon dioxide of hatred,not even a bit.Free me from bad feeling.

Monday, August 15, 2016

make real

Nobody interested to know what's and why's?But people more capable to see the misery around you.Its the fake statement,but unlucky enough to say its happening around us.You accept it or not you have to face it daily.Be strong and be alert.Sometimes you think people heal you,but you yourself actually bring the healing yourself.Only Allah makes the best healer of all.You can say,cry and tell anytime,anywhere,whatever problems you have without borders you can say them and why not just go direct without hesitate.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

lead negative towards positive

  • tiredness,weakness,sickness,unhappy,sad,cruel,mean,bully other,take advantage etc etc 
  • lead those towards positive life and don't make it to control your life.
  • Easy to say,but difficult to do.
  • Sure,but for the sake of your life make it enjoyable.
  • You are unable to reverse your past years,you only capable to do what's in the future to come and leave the negative one behind.
  • Start now because it might be too late to start later.
  • Change for the best.

worry less

I might say,no one happy all the time,even no one sad all the time.But mixed feelings usually come and go everyday. This is reality and people have to face it daily. Time uncounted and usually come without notice.That really life.That's the case where people are called to face the real life hereafter.Each day you might face one or two cases,but the test might light or heavy according to your perception and how to handle it.Even the smallest matter might big to others,but a bit tiny to some.So don't judge people based on your perception,but see the situation in different angles.Where ever you are,you are being watch and make sure you in good shape physically and mentally to undergo for the life everyday.

think only about oneself

I have my own principle.I have to stick to it for the sake of my family.Many people around just want to make use of other people weaknesses,so lead yourself towards the right path to make your life safe from those unwanted selfish people.It might cruel to some people who want to take advantage of the situation,but you might feel release for not following the flow of your misused characters.Anyway young generations nowadays mostly thinking about themselves rather than think about their parents well being.I disagreed most with my daughter's attitude in which involved her dad to take care of her business.Her dad only doing it for her not anyone else.So prepare to be a superwoman if you really want to bring someone into your activity.Let your parents relax and happy without making them the busiest along with your activity.Let it be as you are also part of the activity and make those around you feel the burden with you to feel only comfortable and suffer together of tiredness and unhappy feeling.Please yourself first doesn't mean your are selfish,but to please your body in the best state ever to start your activity. Sometimes children misunderstood their parents saying,but you might be thankful later when you realize parents always make their children comes first before anyone else. I hope my children can survive peacefully in this world and get ready to face the reality of life.No one can help you except Allah and you have to decide what's the best in your life.

Friday, August 12, 2016

show me

Getting anger out unable to settle anything,but hatred. Forgive me for my sin. I decided to make things settled on my own terms without consider other party opinions. I realized my mistakes and hope to change for the better.Oh Allah show me the right path and avoid me from any sins.

new visit

so thankful,I am here me to my precious blog. Thanks to my beautiful daughter. Getting activated.Many people are getting so busy to get involve to make more money for better living,but why so cruel.Why do you have to make others suffer?Find ways to make everyone have their chances to achieve their dreams.Don't block anyone to achieve theirs.Let do things fairly.Leave hatred behind move forward. Go for the better.