Saturday, August 20, 2016

how difficult sharing is

When someone mention about sharing.Everyone might say its easy,but for sure its not.Lets see when someone approach you to ask for the things you love most.the small one,your best shirt and the most expensive one.Would you dare to say its okay or you might say how dare you.Not only that,let say someone need to eat,would you please pay for me.How red your face is,who is this person?Am I your cashier?or am I your banker? whatever,whatever it is. You are unable to handle such tiny,but burst your brain to think.Dearest,this is life some people get a 'test' in life in which tested on things he/she favor most.Why? if you fail to fulfill the test,so you fail in the test, but if you manage to discover the need for the test,you might get to pass the test in life..What more do you want when you are given satisfaction in life.Happy,healthy,wealthy.Be thankful and you are the most satisfied person.