Saturday, August 13, 2016

think only about oneself

I have my own principle.I have to stick to it for the sake of my family.Many people around just want to make use of other people weaknesses,so lead yourself towards the right path to make your life safe from those unwanted selfish people.It might cruel to some people who want to take advantage of the situation,but you might feel release for not following the flow of your misused characters.Anyway young generations nowadays mostly thinking about themselves rather than think about their parents well being.I disagreed most with my daughter's attitude in which involved her dad to take care of her business.Her dad only doing it for her not anyone else.So prepare to be a superwoman if you really want to bring someone into your activity.Let your parents relax and happy without making them the busiest along with your activity.Let it be as you are also part of the activity and make those around you feel the burden with you to feel only comfortable and suffer together of tiredness and unhappy feeling.Please yourself first doesn't mean your are selfish,but to please your body in the best state ever to start your activity. Sometimes children misunderstood their parents saying,but you might be thankful later when you realize parents always make their children comes first before anyone else. I hope my children can survive peacefully in this world and get ready to face the reality of life.No one can help you except Allah and you have to decide what's the best in your life.