Saturday, November 13, 2010

Future? Do you care about it?

Have you ever dream This cap one day??
Amun ku ngenda perangai peranak betiru tu,nia aku ngerati ian diam fikiran gai. Tapi tekitoku nyaun lain tapi behibur iko bana drp mikir masa depan ni. Amun penikiran bana tantu no pan anak bau betiru nia ngerati susah generasi dau sb gai nia boi luum zaman ah.I would like to share with you my own experience during my childhood time. Although it's a boring story but its related to what am I going to jot down today.I was six at that time ,I forced my sis to bring me to sch because I was so bored at home. I was with the year one pupil. Luckily I was regisrered too.Wow! that was so different from kg environment. For sure I smiled the whole day until the teacher said "you're so different,the others crying ,but look at you you're the most happiest one and love the school so much"I kept smiling until my jaw started felt hurt a bit. But thats my life during my first day of school,not my time yet but forced myself to come because I wanted to release my boredom time.I was selected to St Edmund school to enrolled in year 4 for sure I was not that smart but my luck I was sitting for the exam during year 1 and very lucky enough I was given a chance to skip year two, so I saved one year of my precious age and entered year 3.Just imagined during my time no such thing as reference books and not even textbook,but through dedicated teachers and devoted students the education went along with or without reference books .Compared to today's masyallah totally out of reach, so many different kind of books,free textbooks and even parents be able to buy not only books ,but using computers as the main gadgets just to make sure their kids understand education comes first before anything. But what happen today totally surprising me, the computer purposely used for good things sometimes misused by many generations.Not only new , but also many educated one.So what do I expected from this trends. I am preparing myself to accept the facts there're many changes in the way someone thinks, so I 've to do the same only the difference is I 've to think positively and I hope the so-called new generation don't forget your future is in your hand, so whatever you decided to do think about it precisely and make sure you've no regret whatsoever today and tomorrow because we're not permenantly stay alive though,but we've our duty as 'khalifah' so be responsible.