Sunday, November 27, 2011

Why ignorance?

Parents usually care and call their children to eat, to prepare for the exam, to prepare for school and so on. Look at the response you make, do you response immediately after the call or later until your mom really mad at you. Why so ignorance. Are you taking advantage because your parents might call you twice? or are you just such ignorance! which one are you. Think about it. What will happen suddenly there's nobody care to call you anymore. Are you totally lost? No one care because the person you should hear about was not there anymore. No more bothersome to you. Are you happy with it? Check your attitude and make quick decision.

Why parents care for you. Why parents got mad when you are not responding when they call you. Why the answer for sure they care for you. What ia your response to your parents.You are such irresponsible one and do not care for your parents feelings until you forgot your parents really hurt. Why they are been thinking, Why this kids not listening anymore. Parents are not asking you to treat them like the do to you, but they need respect. Do you understand it now, don.t ignore your parents until it is to late for you to realize.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Where do you spend your time most?

When we wake up, we usually ask ourselves what the menu today. When we rush to work, no thinking made,just grab whatever fast to make things done. So at the end of the day, you might end up too much carbohydrates, fat, or protein. What we call as unbalance diets.

Each time you decided to do your exercise or work out. You think a lot about it until you might say 'III do it next time' The next time you will  never know because you have no time allocation for working out. Do you? Time goes by and you might say I regret for being forgetful about my physical fitness.What should you do, you are lying down to face the biggest treat of sickness.Do you have to think twice to make your physical fit? Think about it.

When you rich and want to do good deeds. You always say ' There's so much time for that. When I have free time I will allocate my time to visit the place I would like to do the charity. Until you have no money to spend then you might see what a burden to think of. You have to spend much more time to gain more and will never happen to prove to yourself. Do spend your time and do consider others, so you will never regret the past behind you.

Whatever you do think about the others because they are the mirror of your true self.  Do spend your time to stay healthy and avoid spending time on bed because of being sick. Time worth for those who appreciate the time. Make time and love your time whatever you do or decided to do.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Alphabets with numbers shows the meaning

A  B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I     J     K     L    M    N     O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z
1  2   3    4    5   6    7   8    9   10   11   12   13    14   15  16  17  18  19 20  21  22  23  24  24 26  

You want to achieve excellent result in your exam you need few things   to consider, but you will not exceed 100 percent satisfied . Why? You can see and find out soon.

You need      M     O   N   E   Y      
                     13 +15+14+5+24    = 70 percent

                     F   R     I      E  N    D   
                     6+18+  9+   5+14 +4   = 56 percent

BUT if you have potitive:

                        A    T     T     I      T     U      D      E
                         1  +20+20+ 9  +20+   21 + 4 +    5    =  100 PERCENT

I believe positive attitude can make us more open and change for good. Whatever it is think about it. I thank the person who share  this knowledge with us during the professional talk.           

Monday, November 7, 2011

Why so mean

I go through my students book randomly. I found out the most MEAN word inside it written by someone who shouldn't write such thing LAZY! in one piece of the book.I don't know what was the response from that student.In other pages the student asked to write again and again for nearly 100 times the same repeated sentences. What a shame that particular person only think about herself/himself without even consider what would happen to the student involved. I really regret to see and read the comment. I believe if that person rational enough she/he will not even think to write or ask student to do such miserable useless work. There's no learning part if the student punish with such evil way. To those who involved in teaching please consider your student before make any statement or punishment. Make them fully learn what you teach them and be able to carry the knowledge later. Don't make them evil in life because if they happen to do that you might risk the whole future generation. Think before do and don't ever think to involve yourself in teaching profession if you unable to control yourself.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

mess now regret later

It happened to many of us. My friend was in primary school when she was coupled. She was very young at the age of 12. For sure many of us least responsible at that age. She kept on mentioning she would get married to the boy she loved.All the way she messed up with her study and fail to achieve her ambition. She dreamt of having her own family too early until she forgot about her mission to further her study. She is fully housewife of many kids of hers. I don't think she wants that type of life because she seems to live her life in such glamorous way during our school day.Once you mess up your time wasted and there's no turning back. But if you try to improve your quality of life, do it now.

Mistake can be fix, but quality of life you're expecting might be different though.Regret only happened to those who fail to realize how precious they are.  

No now yes later

Someone unknown give some tips to you and you might deny it now.  Why? because your ego make you feel great in certain part without knowing you 're 'USED' by such character.You fight for your own right and argue in such manners until you realize you're out of touch and out of reach in many ways.YOU ARE ALONE! be frugal person. I don't think that is your intention.You are making excuses to run away from the reality.NO is the big word for egoist person.Why? because even the good advice might be bad to the eyes of  this person.So do you think you have the right to force this kind of person to change his/her mind. The answer is NO. The person involved should move forward to change the attitudes of his or her. Why bother to ask someone to be this and that. You know the answer, because we live in the same world and your bad attitudes affect the others around you. Do you think flooding, starving,mysterious events, disasters all over the world just happened to those involved with evils?.NO! NO. It happened even to those good ones. WE LIVE IN THE SAME WORLD! Because of this we're responsible to tell the truth and advice others around us to limit his her activities that might affect others.
YES can solve such miserable incidents. Follow good deeds. No matter what.You are not going to lose anything nor missing anything. You follow the rules, the rules give the ways to solve what is wrong and fix it right. IS IT IDEAL ENOUGH. YES.

When ?

I was a baby, I knew nothing and I thank my parents for caring. If they were not around to pamper and care for me I don't think I am here now as it is. I will never forget and never will. I hope my parents in good health and bless for their hard work.

Now I am on my own life with my own children and I have no time to see my parents. I hope they understand the situation because the responsibility has change.Although I am not around them they are always in my heart.

My parents are getting older and so am I.That's the way things are.We are not permenantly living here. We will go to the next world and everybody will. Now or later nobody knows.Just accept it because everyone is facing the same things later.

Remember every dos and donts might affect your life. Not today but tomorrow. If you have extra do not regret to share some. Make ways for charity. You will feel the cooling part of happiness.Think properly and clearly. Avoid fight invite peace. Is that too ideal for you. For sure try and you might feel not regret to follow.

learning thru time

see with your eyes
hear with your ears
touch with your hands
taste with your tonque
feel with your heart
breathing in and out because your're alive
walk straight
think straight
you might
never regret life afterall
you do things accordingly
you will be in peace
vice versa
you might
severely damage
not physically
but mentally
only you can feel the burden
think and make things right
you already far overdone
back off now
you still have time to change
notthing impossible
because of possible still around


I was shocked some people try to make knowledge as their own and not really try to share it with the others. I believe when someone interested to read or share your articles it shows your article is the precious one to share with. I encourage people around me to read  and make use of any materials as part of knowledge to be shared. I believe the more people interested to use your written information  the more knowledgeable the person is. Believe me  or not you know the facts out of it. Think about it and be happy to share.  


Many of us only listen and hear what others say
Many of us unable to practise
to implement
the real sacrifice
even the smallest matter in life
to donate your money
to someone most needed
to those really asked
What do we understand about it
Only part of history
Why do we unable to relate
because we care less about
make us far from realizing
the real sacrifice
as mentioned to us
decades ago
we forgot we are
part of the story and
we nearly forgot
about our duty as caliph
before its too late
make some move
study about your part
so we will not that far
from 'why are we here'