Saturday, November 5, 2011

When ?

I was a baby, I knew nothing and I thank my parents for caring. If they were not around to pamper and care for me I don't think I am here now as it is. I will never forget and never will. I hope my parents in good health and bless for their hard work.

Now I am on my own life with my own children and I have no time to see my parents. I hope they understand the situation because the responsibility has change.Although I am not around them they are always in my heart.

My parents are getting older and so am I.That's the way things are.We are not permenantly living here. We will go to the next world and everybody will. Now or later nobody knows.Just accept it because everyone is facing the same things later.

Remember every dos and donts might affect your life. Not today but tomorrow. If you have extra do not regret to share some. Make ways for charity. You will feel the cooling part of happiness.Think properly and clearly. Avoid fight invite peace. Is that too ideal for you. For sure try and you might feel not regret to follow.