Sunday, November 27, 2011

Why ignorance?

Parents usually care and call their children to eat, to prepare for the exam, to prepare for school and so on. Look at the response you make, do you response immediately after the call or later until your mom really mad at you. Why so ignorance. Are you taking advantage because your parents might call you twice? or are you just such ignorance! which one are you. Think about it. What will happen suddenly there's nobody care to call you anymore. Are you totally lost? No one care because the person you should hear about was not there anymore. No more bothersome to you. Are you happy with it? Check your attitude and make quick decision.

Why parents care for you. Why parents got mad when you are not responding when they call you. Why the answer for sure they care for you. What ia your response to your parents.You are such irresponsible one and do not care for your parents feelings until you forgot your parents really hurt. Why they are been thinking, Why this kids not listening anymore. Parents are not asking you to treat them like the do to you, but they need respect. Do you understand it now, don.t ignore your parents until it is to late for you to realize.