Monday, November 14, 2011

Alphabets with numbers shows the meaning

A  B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I     J     K     L    M    N     O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z
1  2   3    4    5   6    7   8    9   10   11   12   13    14   15  16  17  18  19 20  21  22  23  24  24 26  

You want to achieve excellent result in your exam you need few things   to consider, but you will not exceed 100 percent satisfied . Why? You can see and find out soon.

You need      M     O   N   E   Y      
                     13 +15+14+5+24    = 70 percent

                     F   R     I      E  N    D   
                     6+18+  9+   5+14 +4   = 56 percent

BUT if you have potitive:

                        A    T     T     I      T     U      D      E
                         1  +20+20+ 9  +20+   21 + 4 +    5    =  100 PERCENT

I believe positive attitude can make us more open and change for good. Whatever it is think about it. I thank the person who share  this knowledge with us during the professional talk.