Friday, November 25, 2011

Where do you spend your time most?

When we wake up, we usually ask ourselves what the menu today. When we rush to work, no thinking made,just grab whatever fast to make things done. So at the end of the day, you might end up too much carbohydrates, fat, or protein. What we call as unbalance diets.

Each time you decided to do your exercise or work out. You think a lot about it until you might say 'III do it next time' The next time you will  never know because you have no time allocation for working out. Do you? Time goes by and you might say I regret for being forgetful about my physical fitness.What should you do, you are lying down to face the biggest treat of sickness.Do you have to think twice to make your physical fit? Think about it.

When you rich and want to do good deeds. You always say ' There's so much time for that. When I have free time I will allocate my time to visit the place I would like to do the charity. Until you have no money to spend then you might see what a burden to think of. You have to spend much more time to gain more and will never happen to prove to yourself. Do spend your time and do consider others, so you will never regret the past behind you.

Whatever you do think about the others because they are the mirror of your true self.  Do spend your time to stay healthy and avoid spending time on bed because of being sick. Time worth for those who appreciate the time. Make time and love your time whatever you do or decided to do.