Wednesday, April 20, 2011

how to make your kids love learning?

1. create routine
  - train them to accept the routine and guide them to do so.
2. form the routine
   - prepare the time table and make them follow without regret
3. communicate well
   - listen and appreciate them
4. make learning fun
   - create learning through game the kids love to do together
5. be a role model
    -show the best example for the kids to follow. Show the positive side.

There's many ways to guide the kids. You are the brilliant one. Show them the right way. They are the future leaders and we are responsible to guide them well.

How to make people accept each other?

My opinion is very simple
1. no racist
2. don't differentiate poor and rich
3. everyone has potential
4. borderless learning
5.borderless thinking
6.accept criticism
7.appreciate others
8. opportunity open to everyone jealousy, no hatred
10. help others

What do you think?
I know there's no ideal ways, but it is possible to eliminate negative path. Is it? Think about it.

Monday, April 18, 2011

What about a tale : ' Bawang putih, bawang merah?

The story was all about stepmother and stepdaughter. Lets see the positive things about it. Bawang putih was the stepdaughter and she was asked to do the cleaning the chores, washing clothes, cooking the food, picking vegetables, fishing and picking woods to do the cooking. 

What do you think Bawang putih will get out of it? Sure looks so cruel, right? Actually Bawang Putih is very lucky indeed. She is a very healthy girl. She is very energetic and can run all over the place because of her physical fitness. Do you agree? Bawang Putih can sing very well and at the end she meets her loved one from the palace. We are talking about the considered cruel hardwork by the stepmother turn out a very healthy moment to Bawang Putih.

Let us talk about Bawang Merah, Bawang Putih stepsister. She is doing nothing, but to tell Bawang Putih around to do this and that. She is the most relaxing one and doing nothing. She knows sleeping and eating only. The mother gives her full freedom to and no teaching at all about cleanliness. So What do think? Do you think she has healthy life? She is not only doing nothing, but also she has a very negative thinking especially with her stepsister. Which one is suitable to follow. You know what I mean. Do not be cruel that the first step to do.But do more exercise  to make you healthy. Do you have to ask your doctor? To be safe, yes! 

Sometimes its fun to talk about the tales around us. Let make it serious and relate to our daily life. If you already a step ahead to make your life more healthy lets continue, if not yet lets move forward, so you can make your life more happier than ever.

Do you remember 'cinderella' story?

I was so unhappy when I watched 'cinderella' story long long time ago. Sometimes I cursed the stepmother of her for behaving such cruelty. But, now I praised her for being doing so. Just imagine if  so called Cinderella treated vice versa. Let us share the positive side of the story. Cinderella actually lucky in a sense that her hardwork doing the cleaning all the chores, cooking the food and roaming around the garden to pick some vegetables really a very good exercise for her. She is considered very particular about cleanliness. She cooks her food and learns about cooking at the same time. By doing all those things again and again she is expert in it. She knows to differentiate clean and dirty environment. She appreciates beautiful garden and at the same time she loves the great views. Cinderella wakes up early in the morning to do her house chores and she feels healthy all the way. She is actually very lucky girl. Despite her two stepsisters, her stepmother gives them full freedom to sleep all day as they wish. They are not doing anything at all,but to sleep and eat on and on until they are fat enough and difficult to handle themselves. The stepmother has to put dress on them with difficulty. They make themselves that way and on their on term. They ask Cinderella doing the cleaning, preparing food for them, cleaning their clothes and so on. At the end of the day Cinderella gets the advantage where Cinderella becoming more healhtier than her stepsisters.By doing all the work, Cinderella blood flows nicely and healthy. Her body looks slim and nice to look at. When come to positive thinking, the two stepsisters always have negative attitudes and Cinderella has her positive thinking about her family. What do think, Cinderella achieves in life? The story told us that Cinderella married to a very handsome prince because of the magic shoe left out at the castle. What do you think about the shoe? It shows us again how the size of the shoe showing us the healthy person wearing it. Less fat more beautiful, is it right?Exercise this is the story all about and the stepmother cruelty shouldn't be acceptable. But the work Cinderella did really save her from getting serious sicknesses such as strokes, diabetes and so on.  What do you think happening to the two stepsisters? Think about it and make you own conclusion.

Monday, April 11, 2011

how to enjoy your life.

Do you want to live a happy life? If you say yes like most people do, then it’s important to learn to enjoy life. Some people may think that they can only enjoy life when they already have a lot of money or have a successful career. But that’s not true. You can enjoy your life where you are with what you already have. You can enjoy your life now.
Here I will share with you how to enjoy life. But before that, I’d like to share two tips that are essential to live a happy life. The first one is to be grateful. I can’t emphasize enough how important it is. No matter how many pleasant things you do, if you don’t learn to be grateful you will always see things negatively.
Enjoy LifeThe second one is to slow down. Life has a lot of simple things you can enjoy. But if you move too fast you will overlook most of them. So don’t be in a hurry. Don’t move too quick. Slow down and pay attention to the world around you. Most of the ways I’m about to share will work well only if you slow down.
With those two tips in mind, here are 30 ways to enjoy life. Pick the ones that work for you:

  1. Enjoy your meal. Don’t just eat. Taste it and appreciate its richness.
  2. Learn to cook.
  3. Feel music and not just listen to it.
  4. Play music. More than just listening, playing music allows you to express yourself.
  5. Sing.
  6. Gather with old friends.
  7. Take a walk in the park.
  8. Go hiking.
  9. Read a novel.
  10. Find and watch a movie you like. IMDB‘s recommendation engine can help you find movies you may like.
  11. Give yourself a lazy day.
  12. Play board games with your friends.
  13. Have a candle-light dinner with your spouse.
  14. Play mini games.
  15. Read comics.
  16. See beautiful pictures.
  17. Read inspiring quotes.
  18. Learn to paint.
  19. Read a classic book.
  20. Exercise with friends.
  21. Watch funny videos.
  22. Play with kids.
  23. Play a mind game.
  24. Have a cup of coffee.
  25. Get a massage.
  26. Go to a museum.
  27. Go to a theater.
  28. Watch sunrise.
  29. Take pictures.
  30. Browse your photo album for your treasured memories.
I’m sure there are still a lot of other ways to enjoy life. What is your favorite way to enjoy

How to Get People to Like You

The ability to get people to like you is a great skill to have. It makes meeting new friends easier and it can make your professional relationships much more productive. However, not everyone is naturally likable. Most people need to put some effort into getting people to like them.

  • Smile. Not only is smiling said to make you look younger and more attractive, but it draws people to you. It also helps you stay positive and people are always attracted to a positive person.
  • Remember names. Everyone appreciates having their name remembered, so put extra effort into remembering each person's name. Do whatever works for you, maybe you can create a rhyme or visualize a humorous situation and associate it with that person and his name. Repeat the name quietly to yourself several times.
  • Listen. One way to become instantly likable is to actually listen to what people are saying to you. Meet eye contact and be genuinely interested in what they say.
  • Be respectful. You're not always going to agree with everything another person does, but you don't need to be rude or condescending when voicing your disagreement. Always be willing to acknowledge if you're wrong.
  • Acknowledge another person's accomplishments and do so sincerely. When you praise someone, mean it. People always sense meaningless praise. If you can't find something about the person to sincerely praise, then it's best not to try.
  • Like yourself. Of course, not everyone who loves themselves is going to be likable to others, especially if the self-love runs to conceit. However, if you want people to like you, then you need to understand why they should. Compile a list of your good qualities to help you find things to like about yourself.

Read more: How to Get People to Like You |

How can I stop being so sensitive?

Any little negative comment towards me puts me down. I realize this is my weakness and want to change. Any tips
Usually when criticism effects you so negatively it can be traced to a low self-esteem. I love how you worded realize its your many people would blame others.

Find some things you ARE good at and spend your time doing them or improving skills you are proud of. Take a college class if you are old enough.

When someone says something negative, try to seperate whether its personal (negative about you) or just negative in general. A lot of people are just flat out negative and do not realize how they sound to others.

Do not feel too awful about being sensitive. The world needs more sensitive try turning it to you advantage by developing empathy for others and being sensitive to their needs.

why people sensitive?

Now, as an introduction to the trait of high sensitivity, see if some of these statements resonate with you, or relate to someone important in your life...

You, your partner, or someone important to you have a heightened awareness of subtleties in your environment, whether it's sight, sound, touch, taste, or smell.

You can become stressed out and upset when overwhelmed and may find it necessary to get away, maybe into a darkened room, to seek solitude, relief and comfort.

You are very creative.

You are very conscientious, hard working, and meticulous, but may become uncomfortable and less efficient or productive when being watched or scrutinized.

You feel compelled to file and organize things and thoughts, also enjoy simplicity and may become overwhelmed or even immobilized by chaos, clutter, or stress.

You are very uncomfortable when feeling things are getting out of your control.

You get a sense of comfort and well being when around a lake, river, stream, the ocean, or even a fountain.

You may experience mood swings, sometimes occurring almost instantly and can also be affected by other people's moods, emotions and problems.

You have a deep, rich, inner life, are very spiritual, and may also have vivid dreams.

You are very intuitive and you feel that you can usually sense if someone isn't telling the truth or if something else is wrong.

You get concerned and think or worry about many things, and have also been told "you take things too personally."

You have had the experience of "cutting people out" of your life.

You were considered quiet, introverted, timid, or shy as a child.

Lightbulb ImageHere are a few more to consider... Can be startled easily. Cautious in new situations. May have trouble sleeping. Extra sensitive to pain. Don't like crowds (unless they are kindred spirits). Avoids violent movies and TV shows. Has a deep respect and appreciation of nature, music and art.

Do some, or many, of these statements ring true for you, your partner, or someone important in your life? If so, you or they may be a highly sensitive person or "HSP." Whether you already know something about the trait and temperament of highly sensitive people, or if this is your first introduction to the subject, welcome! The goal and intent of this website is to impart information, provide support and be a resource to individuals with the trait of high sensitivity and for the people in their lives.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

stop pointing 'stupid' to the others!

Do you know you are pointing one finger to the others but the four other fingers pointing to you. Who's stupid actually. Stop being one. When you angry with someone try to calm yourself down rather than saying any useless words. You might end up feeling very happy about it. I know it is easy say than doing, but you are rational enough, are you? If you try to solve your problem with anger you know you might got really sick and getting hurt by many people around you. No one try to understand people with angry mood. Many people try calm those getting the blast. Do you think so.You have nobody around you, so you're considered sick or pathetic person. Are you? I don't think you want that. Make room to think before doing. Try to love more than hate. Actually nothing impossible in this world and you know your limit right! Even when you say 'stupid' to others you might never feel happy about it because you are becoming the 'victim' in a sense that nobody respect you for behaving such way. Enjoy your life man.Appreciate others and share with them. Don't isolate your life from others, try to socialize yourself and you might see this world differently. Why do you have to spend your life feeling depress, making life stressful to everybody. Enjoy and you will make this world more meaningful not only for you but to the others around you.

Friday, April 8, 2011

why ignorance?

I don't know what happen to our kids nowadays. They are not really around when their parents need them. I taught them how to cook, to take care of dishes, washing own clothes and taking care of the cleanliness of the house and overall house chores. But still they are ignorance in many things. They are not alert when their parents need them to cook when their parents sick or helping their parents automatically do without instructions. Do all kids have the same problem. No volunteer attitude. Not even asking what the parents really love to do and they are just don't care about old folks did long.long time ago. I never teach them to forget. Do kids hated doing house chores? What will happen when they get married? If you rich enough of course you can pay the maid to do house chores, but what will happen if not. I have been thinking to hire the maid who can take care of everything,but I will spoil my kids to be more dependant then. I want them to learn that life is not that easy. You might have rich family, but you are not rich yourself. Your parents got lots of money, but that is not yours.You are lazy in many good things. Lazy to study, what happen? lazy to do house chores, who's responsible? lazy to make your bed.whose bed is it? lazy to wash your clothes, whose clothes is it? You are ignoring clean house. You like to throw your clothes all over the house and look like everything yours. What are you? Think about this and respect your parents while they still alive. Make them happy while they are staying with you. They are not staying permenantly in this world, so are you. Not that difficult to do or please your parents, I'm sure you know that. Don't waste your time calculating your energy for helping your parents.They are just happy enough if you show your caring attitude and help them at home.Make room for them and love them through your concern. They are not asking for money, but your concern to help the most priority.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

why hatred exist?

I knew many friends around me who hatred so many things around them. I felt so tense with the situation and sometimes make me blast somehow. Just imagine we're living in this world together then at the same time some people are just hated you so much. They are around you and anytime they will make you depress just because they will try so hard to make you feel uncomfortable. It could be by using bad words or gestures. But why? I don't understand it at all because we are having the same features,but at the same time you hate that person. so unethical!  People involve in war or fight in which they are killing and hurting the same features as they are. Oh my what happen to this world. Weird and funny at the same time. Although hatred exist, but I think caring and loving people still around only that the positive one usually covered by negative aura around us.Please people don't make your life miserable. Enjoy it so you will find the world full of excitement. Helping others make your life more meaningful and making people happy much more worth than making them cry. The world is the place to do good deeds before you die. There's no way to come back to regret what you did before. So try to be rational be nice and make this world as peaceful as possible, so there will be no more absurd characters that everybody afraid of. Peace and harmony will cover the destruction  human created in this world.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

what do you think?

Students are the learners and the teachers the facilitators only. If both sides know their responsibilities the school is the most suitable place to gain more knowledge. The need for each other make teaching and learning more meaningful and successful. What happen when the students try to do vice versa and the teachers also act vice versa. The school becoming chaos and out of control. Do you think this type of students and teachers will produce such quality leaders in the future? Think about it and make your own conclusion. The students should know their roles same as the teachers. Without students there's no teachers around. Do you think so. Why make things complicated. Behave as needed both students and teachers. Respect each other well and make the school as peaceful as possible. If the students overdo things make them come back and advise them to the right parh. Is it easy to do? No, but possible. Tolerable,loving, and caring is part of the secret. What about patience? Yes the most needed. Love your work teachers, the students will know that and they are waiting for the most enjoyable teaching. They are hungry for the fun learning and creative teaching. If students need varieties why not brilliant teachers show them all. Make our future generation open minded and more creative so we will build better the future. No more sad stories about teachers this and that and students this and that. You know what I mean. So stop all the nonsense, be resaponsible because we have been wasting our energy and time just because we are fail to fulfill our duties. Open your eyes and mind. Stop being negative and stay positive in thinking.