Monday, April 11, 2011

How to Get People to Like You

The ability to get people to like you is a great skill to have. It makes meeting new friends easier and it can make your professional relationships much more productive. However, not everyone is naturally likable. Most people need to put some effort into getting people to like them.

  • Smile. Not only is smiling said to make you look younger and more attractive, but it draws people to you. It also helps you stay positive and people are always attracted to a positive person.
  • Remember names. Everyone appreciates having their name remembered, so put extra effort into remembering each person's name. Do whatever works for you, maybe you can create a rhyme or visualize a humorous situation and associate it with that person and his name. Repeat the name quietly to yourself several times.
  • Listen. One way to become instantly likable is to actually listen to what people are saying to you. Meet eye contact and be genuinely interested in what they say.
  • Be respectful. You're not always going to agree with everything another person does, but you don't need to be rude or condescending when voicing your disagreement. Always be willing to acknowledge if you're wrong.
  • Acknowledge another person's accomplishments and do so sincerely. When you praise someone, mean it. People always sense meaningless praise. If you can't find something about the person to sincerely praise, then it's best not to try.
  • Like yourself. Of course, not everyone who loves themselves is going to be likable to others, especially if the self-love runs to conceit. However, if you want people to like you, then you need to understand why they should. Compile a list of your good qualities to help you find things to like about yourself.

Read more: How to Get People to Like You |