Friday, April 8, 2011

why ignorance?

I don't know what happen to our kids nowadays. They are not really around when their parents need them. I taught them how to cook, to take care of dishes, washing own clothes and taking care of the cleanliness of the house and overall house chores. But still they are ignorance in many things. They are not alert when their parents need them to cook when their parents sick or helping their parents automatically do without instructions. Do all kids have the same problem. No volunteer attitude. Not even asking what the parents really love to do and they are just don't care about old folks did long.long time ago. I never teach them to forget. Do kids hated doing house chores? What will happen when they get married? If you rich enough of course you can pay the maid to do house chores, but what will happen if not. I have been thinking to hire the maid who can take care of everything,but I will spoil my kids to be more dependant then. I want them to learn that life is not that easy. You might have rich family, but you are not rich yourself. Your parents got lots of money, but that is not yours.You are lazy in many good things. Lazy to study, what happen? lazy to do house chores, who's responsible? lazy to make your bed.whose bed is it? lazy to wash your clothes, whose clothes is it? You are ignoring clean house. You like to throw your clothes all over the house and look like everything yours. What are you? Think about this and respect your parents while they still alive. Make them happy while they are staying with you. They are not staying permenantly in this world, so are you. Not that difficult to do or please your parents, I'm sure you know that. Don't waste your time calculating your energy for helping your parents.They are just happy enough if you show your caring attitude and help them at home.Make room for them and love them through your concern. They are not asking for money, but your concern to help the most priority.