Monday, April 18, 2011

What about a tale : ' Bawang putih, bawang merah?

The story was all about stepmother and stepdaughter. Lets see the positive things about it. Bawang putih was the stepdaughter and she was asked to do the cleaning the chores, washing clothes, cooking the food, picking vegetables, fishing and picking woods to do the cooking. 

What do you think Bawang putih will get out of it? Sure looks so cruel, right? Actually Bawang Putih is very lucky indeed. She is a very healthy girl. She is very energetic and can run all over the place because of her physical fitness. Do you agree? Bawang Putih can sing very well and at the end she meets her loved one from the palace. We are talking about the considered cruel hardwork by the stepmother turn out a very healthy moment to Bawang Putih.

Let us talk about Bawang Merah, Bawang Putih stepsister. She is doing nothing, but to tell Bawang Putih around to do this and that. She is the most relaxing one and doing nothing. She knows sleeping and eating only. The mother gives her full freedom to and no teaching at all about cleanliness. So What do think? Do you think she has healthy life? She is not only doing nothing, but also she has a very negative thinking especially with her stepsister. Which one is suitable to follow. You know what I mean. Do not be cruel that the first step to do.But do more exercise  to make you healthy. Do you have to ask your doctor? To be safe, yes! 

Sometimes its fun to talk about the tales around us. Let make it serious and relate to our daily life. If you already a step ahead to make your life more healthy lets continue, if not yet lets move forward, so you can make your life more happier than ever.