Sunday, December 5, 2010

Do parents and kids got the same vision?

I used to remember my childhood time,ye just in case I overlooked into my kids problems. I think parents expecting too much or maybe too protecting upon their kids.I am not blaming them but rather look at it as a good sign as parents. Responsible, eager to know and the most important is parents got vision for their kids. What and what for sure the goodness always!
Let us see whats kids thinking:
Early morning the kids got to go to school
they are forced to take their breakfast, those kids having no appetite to eat(sleeping time)
They go to school as early as 6.00 am and coming back around 2.00 pm (9 hours)
2.00 _ 4.00 pm tuition time somebody taking care of(need flying color grades)
4.00 _ 6.00 pm  outside or inside games
7.00 pm parents arrive from work
Where 're the communication time?
If mom fully housewife staying at home
mom ll take care of everything
the behavior,the character,and so and so
Daddy ask and everything should be in place
Do kids blinding their eyes?
There is something wrong in our society
Both parents: mom and dad should take responsibility
Educate the kids together
Act before its too late
kids are precious , future leaders
parents should work together, guide the kids to see not to force
I, myself like to enjoy during my childhood until I realize without education future
might be okey or not okey
but I know this era need education as part of future trend
in order for us to survive
EDUCATION, formal study needed
you want it or not you have to be in it
Parents always want the best from their kids
kids need attention and care in order for them to
proceed with this process
parents should realize it
kids should manage  to grab the opportunity
just follow your parents good plans
dearest kids you 'll never regret anything
as long as  the parents guide you into good intention
As easy as that: Say yes if good, say no if bad