Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Why do people misinterpret things?

  its human nature

because they don't hear you properly? that question is really vague can u give an example or something?

it is human nature to focus on negative before positive.

that's how the life is

because they maybe do not listen correctly at what you say or really do not pay any attention .

We all have what is called interceptors in our brains. IF any of these interceptors get pre-occupied with any other information currently running through your mind you will get offset and cause a misinterpretation of the question or thought given and that is my personal opinion and not based on facts.

Personality disorder?

We all have our own way of thinking.. looking at things.. perception varies from person to person .. and that depends on a lot of other things.. environment, upbringing, chemical makeup .. mental health issues.. drug use/abuse.. some people are very insecure .. others have trust issues (possibly been lied to a lot and are more suspicious) ..
But .. Most of us seem to think that if we think one way that others think the same as us .. so when I say something that I intend to be taken possibly as a joke .. someone who's had a bad experience with the subject of my joke may actually perceive me as attacking them! ..
There are also "non verbal" cues that some of us just can't interpret .. don't have that ability for one reason or another .. and so you could be joking with an "obvious" (to you) joking expression .. but someone with say "aspergers syndrom" (a form of autism) .. just would NOT get it. No ones fault .. just the way we humans are .. We are all Different..
If you think someone is misinterpreting you or if you think you might be taking someone the wrong way - TALK ABOUT IT. We don't read minds .. despite what some think!

** Just read your additions .. sounds a lot like aspergers syndrome.. very common for those with it to be the target of bullies .. hence the perception that "everyone" hates them .. when indeed they don't. This condition is way more common than people know .. check it out!

Generally speaking, some people don't really listen to what another person is saying. They sometimes take it the wrong way or they have there own preconceived opinion already formed because they didn't study or research the situation.

there are several factors that affect the brain's ability to process anything. Limited language, a damaged part of the brain, socio-economic background of the receiver, the body language of the sender, the tone and volume of voice of the sender, the hearing ability of the receiver, etc. These things affect the way a message is sent and delivered and understood.
To exemplify, how many ways can you say "hello"?

People misinterpret things for many reasons:

1. People often are so wrapped up in their own thoughts that they focus on what we think another person is saying rather than what the listener actually hears

2. The listener may not hear our message as we intend it to be heard because people hear what they want to hear
3.. Sometimes, the speaker doesn't communicate their message well
4. Language/experience barriers
5. Paranoia/fear
6. Many people are plagued with depression, mental illness or fatigue
7. Some people just like to argue and have conflict
8. Culture differences

There isn't one clear and definitive answer really.

There could be more than one of several reasons at any given time. Just a few...

The person trying to explain might not have great communications skills and/or the person trying to understand, might not have great
listening skills.

The person who you are communicating with might be defensive or sensitive about the particular subject at hand so they may not see it as generalized as another person.

The person might not know the entire reason you are telling them what it is you are telling them.

Think of it like this... you ask your friend - "Did you
brush your teeth this morning?"

You friend might think in their head - "My breath must stink... why else would they ask me that!?"

Meanwhile the reason you are asking as nothing to do with that... it could have been something you wanted to tell her about running the water.

Anyway... I believe it has a lot to do with the ability to communicate effectively and also to do with trying to keep an open mind about what is being said.

Maybe its because of the way people deal with one another on a very generic basis when some people are so different... That they sometimes need something a little extra to exist... something that makes most people believe that they are snobs, needy or weak, or strange, or creepy... People are not kind... especially in groups of women.

People attack weakness... and what some see as a misinterpretation of the facts on the part of the person who is being judged or chastised: You, looking in from the outside, just don't know what exactly is being said, to what extreme or why because maybe you are not the one doing it? People like to group themselves into cliques and usually can't admit to themselves that something they consider themselves to be a part of, would do something like that. There is always a clueless innocent in every group of wolves...

Basically people know what they do and do not do and why... No one ever actually admits to it. No one likes to admit that they are bastards... So the consensus stands and says that it is paranoia and fear on the part of the one outcast, against the many in the pack.

Animals do it indiscriminately because emotions are not involved so they don't have to lie about it or hide it... They just do... without justification, regret or denial because it serves a means to an end in ridding themselves of the weak in the pack which usually go off somewhere and die after having to fight off everyone they try and approach for sympathy... Women especially, are pack wolves!

Personally... I hate people that talk out of the sides of their mouths in passing... Stage whisperers. with their double ended comments and pasquanades... left hanging around the neck of the uninitiated, the un included, the strange freak who just can seem to manage to incorporate themselves into mainstream normalcy.

Not because they don't want to. But because they are unable.

There is very little compassion for people like this. People who can't manage to learn how to be included or accepted or a part of something. People who always have to juggle their perspective and conform to something that they don't approve of or agree with to belong and NOT get hurt or chastised or made a pirriah of.

I know because I am one. After years of the same old same old. Eventually you just have to shut yourself down and even though you sometimes know better and assume the worst or best depending on the situation... People never cease to amaze me with the extremes they are willing to go to to hurt and destroy someone else just for giggles... and often times, just because they can.

Because we expect things to always be bad and always think that things are in way that don't help us, so we always expect the worst things, because we never have enough self confidence in ourselves. BY HAVING THAT FEELING WE THINK THAT WE MUST GET THE WORST OF THINGS.
It is sad but is the truth!!

It can be as simple as the English language and statements
meaning different things,to as complicated as each individual misinterprating something based on many different things. These may include sensitivity, past experience, education, language comprehension, trust level of the person receiving information,conflicts, trauma new experiences and I'm sure many others.