Saturday, December 4, 2010

What is 'Hijrah" to you?

Many people must have heard or come across with this word "hijrah' But many people just see it as it is or thats part of the routine or cultural celebration. For me hijrah is the main or the base to find a new me every year to come, Let me put it this way.If happen to be a person that busy enough to hurt other people feelings year 2010 I will or must look at myself and as fast as possible CHANGE not hurting others or never anymore next year onwards CHANGE FOR GOOD or TAUBAT for the rest of my life.That the meaning of hijrah for individual.As a whole the person should involve himself in the society for the better.Let me precise the issue:
  As a student:
I am not good in my study because I am lazy enough to study,but now I want to hijrah myself
I would like to study smart, so I could be a better person in the future.
I love to lepak with friends during maghrib time and my parents usually angry and I fight back to protect my right
I will change to respect my parents for good
I like to quarrel with my siblings over small matters and sometimes I shouted to them just to protect my ego
I try my best to let go of my ego and be nice to my siblings
Let me say it or ask you:
Do you think a person can change overnight?
Insyallah nothing impossible
Why change needed?
We want to live in peace,right?
We want to live in good environment, right?
We want people to see us as a person,not some one everybody afraid of
We want people to recognize us as individual not a person to talk bad about
So which one do you choose?
Hijrah is the time to realize or recognize or to analyze or to identify oneself
why do you have to change for the better?
You, yourself know better than anyone else
Find out or search for yourself
what change should I do
so HIJRAH as we celebrated every awal Muharram will be meaningful
not only for you but for the whole society  as one
May awal Muharram on the 7 DEC 2010 you are
new you for the better